Things I would have missed if my attempt in 2018 worked...
My attempts in 2019, 2020, and 2021!
1979: I bet there will be "flying cars" in "the future."
2019: The flying cars future.
Tenzin is a sublime charlatan.
- Harib 2019
2019 Senior Prank- Hey fellas lets black out the school haha were so sneaky oh yes
2020 Senior Prank- Hey guys I’m a tech whiz let’s spread a rumor on the internet saying a disease called the corona virus exists! Haha it’s be so funny and good even the whole world might fall for it
Everyone in December 2020- looks at tech whiz “ son of a (censored)!!!” Tech whiz- “you guys are the (censored)s I mean you fell for it for a whole year
2019, where you can change your gender at a snap of a finger
"I don't want to go on my at home history." -my friend, anon 2019