Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

8 people online

Dark Humor Is Just Like Water,

Some People Get It Some People Don't.

COP: Are you high?

ME: If I was high, could I do this? *walks in a perfectly straight line*

COP: Wth he just walked off a cliff

What part of another one bites the dust do you sing to a disabled person to make fun of them I,m standing on my own two feet.

An eight year old girl struggles to breath as she lies on a hospital bed and waits for the doctor to come. After the doctor comes he pulls his cock out of her mouth and she can breathe much better.

What happend to the cheetah that took to many baths?

The cheetah became spotless

Why can't you do a Math test in the zoo?

Because there are too many Cheetahs!

why were the twin towers angry. because they ordered pepperoni but they only got PLANE!