Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

8 people online

Who is the worlds fastest reader. The twin towers, the blew 86 stories I'm 5 seconds.

I saw a kid with no phone. I gave him a iphone 14.

except it had no home button.

What do Lizards and Queen Elizabeth have in common? They both live long with dry skin.

I burnt down an orphanage and then showed an orphan the orphanage that I burned down and he loved it. Not really though.

Whats the differnce between a Mcdonalds and the twin towers? Mcdonalds has a drive-Thru

why arent ophens scared of getting in troble at school

because they cant call there parents

I have an EpiPen.

My friend gave it to me while he was dying.

It seemed really important to him that I have it.