yo mamma is so ugly when she tried to join the ugly contest they said "sorry, no professionals"
I have two heads four eyes and six ears,what am I ?
Yo mama so ugly she had to ask Satan to help her give birth
Yo momma is so ugly Slenderman runs from her. It's also why he has no eyes.
A mother and her 7 year old child are walking in the grocery story. The young boy then screams to a random woman “ your an ugly bitch”. The mother grabs her son, and says “ I’m so sorry, I must have told him a thousand of times to not judge people on how they look.
Yo mama is so ugly, when there was a tornado,the tornado refused to suck her up
YO mama is so ugly she gave Micheal Myers nightmears
Yo mama is so ugly she's really the reason phones sreens' cracked
YO mama is so ugly, the sunglasses walked away
Yo mama so ugly Bob the bolder said "I can't fix that"
yo mama so ugly that when she was born the doctor looked at her face then at her butt and said Twins!
Yo mama so ugly that she turned Medusa to stone.
Them:"Your ugly" Me:"No as ugly as your extra chromosome"
Yo mama's so ugly and her voice is so loud that The X Factor doesn't want or need her to show up to the performances when she sings
Your momma is so ugly that she went out as her self for halloween
Women only call me ugly until they find out how much money I make. Then they call me ugly and poor.
I have 3 eyes 2 ears and 6 mouths, what am I UGLY!
Yo mama is so ugly she makes the devil read the bible
My doctor called me fat. I told him I wanted a second opinion and he said, "OK, you're ugly too."
Yo mama is so ugly, she walked into a haunted house and walked out with a job application.