I hate family reunions.
I see too many of my ex's there.
I hate family reunions.
I see too many of my ex's there.
If I were a party, then anxiety must be the cousin depression felt obligated to bring to the party, and insomnia the little annoying sibling.
Birthdays are weird. We celebrate being one year closer to dying. And we celebrate it with friends and family, which is totally not how we'll die.
We're all gonna die alone, not surrounded by friends and family.
I love Muslims, they are great at parties!
They have the best fireworks.
What's the difference between an Irish wedding and an Irish funeral? One less drunk.
My relatives always teased me during weddings, saying, "You'll be next!"
But they stopped when I did the same to them during funerals.
I had a cake for my gender reveal party. I cut it, and the inside was yellow...
I went to a birthday party and told dad jokes.
The jokes didn't go over well. I was asked to leave the orphanage.
What do you call a gay pride parade that was ran over?
Rainbow road.
One day a guy named Carson is called a jerk, and he says, "I went to a party with my girlfriend, and this random guy walks up to us and says, 'Can I borrow your girlfriend for 30 minutes?' I say yes, and he takes her upstairs. It was not only 30 minutes, but an hour. When she came back down, she was out of breath, so I knew it was a pretty intense conversation." This happens about 3 more times that night.
But as I was saying, only a nice guy would let his girlfriend make friends with other guys. 😊😇
When in Poland people go to a house party, and the atmosphere is bad, nobody is talking, they say: "Is there a German here?"
A teenage guy is taking a girl to a dance. First, he goes to buy her flowers, but there’s a really long line at the florist. Finally, he buys them.
Then, he goes to rent a tux, but there’s a really long line for that, too. After a few hours, he gets the tux.
That night, he picks up the girl and they go to the school for the dance. There’s a long line to get in that goes halfway around the school. A while later, they finally get in. They dance and talk for a while, then the guy gets thirsty, so he goes over to the table to get punch. There is no punch line.
How do we know Cinderella is a virgin?
Because she runs away from balls.