Your mama so fat when she put a leg in the car da wheels deflated
My girlfriend is so fat she looked into the mirror and said woah there 2 of me
yo mamas so fat she woke up on both sides of the bed
yo mama so fat when she laid on a water bed she laid on the whole pasific ocan
(Don't take this seriously just funny): Yo mama so fat when she put on a yellow raincoat people see her a yell "Hey Yo Taxi!!!"
Your mama so fat juptier is small are then here
your mom is so fat. she can't make it there the door
Yo mama is so fat she couldn't even fit through the rabbit hole at first because she ate like a damn pig last night when we had dinner.
This dude is so fat wearing the same damn clothes everyday. Everytime he turn around it's his graduation day he forgot to put a boomerang on his pants cause they don't even fit no more.last time I saw him coming down the street it was in a bucket of popeye"s chicken extra crispy.
bully: you are ugly me: you are so fat you are the call of duty map
Yo mama is so fat that she is not wrong when she says the world revolves around her.
Yo mama is so fat she got locked in a weapon store and she broke it down with out any weapons.1
Yo mama's so fat, a man has to bring climbing equipment to kiss her on the check
Why is Santa so fat? He only comes once a year
Your mom said I was ugly I told her she couldn’t see Her belly button because she was so fat . She said “I though I was the only one without one”
Yo mama so fat, she broke the stairs to heaven
Yo Mama so fat she has a Twinkie inside of a Twinkie inside of her fat ass motherfucking belly button
your momma is so fat that she can't even go skinny dipping
yo mama so fat that when she went to KFC she asked for the bucket on the roof
Your mom is so fat that she mains heavy from the game Team Fortress 2!!1!!