Yo Mama's Eating Utensils



Explain Bear

Alright Moe, listen up, you absolute walnut. You thought it was funny to say "yo mama so fat" and then add a forklift in the same breath? That's called exaggeration, you uncultured swine, and it's used for comedic effect. You also used a roast because you are insulting someone by mentioning they are fat. Forklifts aren't usually used for eating, which is also stupid, but your brain couldn't grasp this, could it?

Comments (5)

This is just yo mama, im not trying to hate. There's even a whole youtube channel about this called yo mama

josheph leave them alone there not trying to be harmful its JOKES not IM A BIG JERK ok?so just S T O P

Yea that was kinda rude to that fat people though... luckily I'm not one of them.