
Sans Jokes

Sans: why did the skeleton go to the party? Papyrus: Why? S: cause he was too fat and ugly P:AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA LOLOL,OLOLOL

Sans:Hey frisk why didn't the skeleton go to the dance. Frisk:Why didn't he go to the dance. Sans:Cause he had no body to dance with!

Sans: haha... Paps: what? Sans: i KNEW it was gonna rain today. Paps: that's nearly impossible, how? Sans: i could feel it in my bo- Paps: OH MY GOD STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i say hi to sans sans shows is hand and say's is hand to meet you and we both lath

papyrus: SANS stop being a lazy Bones. Why bro, guess you don't have the back bone to do any thin. heheh

Papyrus:You are so lazy sans! Sans:Call me what you want.I got THICK SKIN! Pap:Another bad joke and I'm finished with him!! Frisk:HAHAHA Pap:we are monsters.The awfulest kind! Sans:to mess with us takes a lot of SPINE!!!

Sans:Zzzzzzzz Papyrus:SANS WAKE UP!! Sans:What is it dude? Papyrus:A human has fallen from the surface world! Sans:And you gotta BONE to pick with 'em??

Sans: What is todoroki's favourite coffee creamer Half n' Half hehe

Papyrus: Sans! He's not even part of our fandom!!!

Sans: bro don't get so HOT headed about it Just CHILL

sorry not sorry -sans