Yo mama is so ugly that the Grinch fell out when he saw her!
Only a true MHA fan would understand.
Why do they make glow-in-the-dark condoms?
So gay people can play Star Wars.
What does Michael Jackson and Chef from South Park have in common?
They both say "Hello children!"
Your momma so ugly, when the Kool-Aid man burst in the door, he said, "Oh no!"
It has been rumored that Disney is developing a movie based on suicide. The title?
Finding Emo.
They should bring Michael Jackson back from the dead so he can star in the Peter Pan horror movie.
What does Michael Joseph Jackson say when little boys walk away?
"Give in to me-hee-he!"
Yo mama so stupid, she thought Sodapop Curtis was actual soda.
What is worse than ants in your pants? Michael Jackson.
What is the day parents stopped fearing for their little boys? June 25, dead pedo day.
Q: What did Chris Brown say when he first saw Rhianna?
A: I'd hit that.
Yo mama's so gay that, after watching Aladdin, she tried to fly on a pride flag!
Why does Michael Joseph Jackson love Boise?
Because of all the boys he'll see.
What is Wacko Jacko's favorite David Bowie song?
"Boys Keep Swinging."
What is Michael Joseph Jackson's favorite town? Boise.
Michael Jackson is pure cheese.
I mean, Jacko comes on a little cracker.
When Elsa said, "Let it go," you took it too seriously and let go of your hairline.
What do Spider-Man and orphans have in common?
There’s no way home.
Ben 10 and a disabled person are the same, but no aliens for the disabled person.