Marry or don't marry, you will regret both!
small word of advice:Don't wait till next month or next year to do stuff with the people you love cuz they may be gone by then, you don't realize but every second there is someone who dies and it just could be your loved one.
Which on would be better to fuck a fat bitch or a skinny bitch?
A guy asks his priest friend what he wants to eat and the priest says bad boys and then his friend says what Kibab do you want and the priest says bricked up Caucasian or Asian will do
How do you see the difference between a cow and a bull ? It’s either one or the udder
you know why Santa's saying is "Ho Ho Ho?" How else is he supposed to give boys and girls a baby brother or sister for Christmas?
My wife (or husband) told me to get 6 cans of Sprite from the grocery store. I had just realized when I got home that I had picked 7-up
a kid is trick - or - treating. he knocks on a door. then someone opens the door and the kid said, "HI I'M THE WICKED WIENER!"!!!🌭😺😸😹😆😅😂🤣😄
1 like and whatever you say in the comments I'll do but one rule it can be only 2-4 hours in or out of Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire
is it just me or your the prettiest person I seen today
Genie: You cannot wish for more wishes, immortality, or love Man: I wish not to die a virgin Genie: I just said no wishing for immortality
bunger got me like : 😂 Face with Tears of Joy Emoji - Emojipedia › face-with-tears-of-joy A yellow face with a big grin, uplifted eyebrows, and smiling eyes, each shedding a tear from laughing so hard. Widely used to show something is funny or ...
what hits the ground first a apple or a emo girl..... the rope would catch her
Who is Osama Binladen’s secret cousin? Barrack Obama or Barrack Osama BinLaden
Ever seen twins? If you said yes, was it before or after 2001?
What do you call a guy at your doorstep with no arms or legs... Matt
What do you call a kid with an eyepatch and no arms or legs names
I'm playing a game of HANGMAN.. Is there an 'S' or a 'C' ?
Q.What hit the ground first when falling out of a tree a leaf or a emo kid? A. Leaf there is usually a rope to stop the emo kid.
We split because she used always say I never listen, or something like that