No wonder some of the phones today have no home buttons. The makers were orphans.
If orphans made phones it wouldn't have a home button
What was the orphans first video game consol? PS5 because it has no home button
Why can’t an orphan use an iPhone Because the home button dose not work
why does an Orphan aways get the newest iphont
because so he does not have an home button
I got my orphan kid a phone she was pressing the home button but it didn't work
why can you not let a orphan touch a iPhone 7 because it would break if they touched the home button
What type of phone do orphans have
Android because they dont have a home botton
why do all orphans have iPhone 10-12? they don't have a home button
The orphanage was open in apps but I didn’t see the home button.
Why does an orphan only have a Samsung, cause it doesn't have a home button!
Why can't orphans close their video games?
Because they can't find the home button
I got a orphan a Iphone 6 I told him to press the home button he has been doing it all day
why can orphans only use samsung beacause they dont have a home button
Why couldn’t the orphan play Xbox because there was no home button
why couldnt the orphan use his iphone 6 he could find the home button
Why do all orphans get iPhone x's
There isn't a home button
why do orphans only buy iphone xs d because it has a home button
What do orphans do when the get a phone press the home button
Why did the orphan get an iphonX cause theirs no home button