
Google Jokes

Why can’t Germans call a taxi *does taxi calling motion* it’s not a Rick roll

I’m enyaw and I fancy my pe teacher she is called Kelly Pearce and I go to Beckfoot Oakbank I always watch her bc I am a creep I live at school under the stairs but I also try follow her home and if I'm unsuccessful I look her up on a dodgy website and go on Google maps and look at her door

my brother when he sees a girl

🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦁🦁🦁🐩🐖🐒🐷🐵🐎+/;!¥/%?Fuckfuckfuuk of your own is also a joke about your relationship with Google and Twitter users who don't know what they think of their own personal life and the way they have been involved since the last few years of debate is the only thing