your hairline is that far back that i cant even back out of my car
Your hairline is so far back trump was ashamed
Ur hairline goes so far back that Crown Burger was Crown Sandwhiches
your hairline so far back that when i put on my glasses i thought i saw a M for Mcdonald's on your hairline
Your hairline so far back even shaggy and scooby ran away
Your hairline so far back when your forehead was playing tag your hairline ran away real far
your hairline so far back sherlock couldnt solve that mystery
Your hairline goes so far back even history can’t record it
Yo hair line is so far back that it was there before the big bang happened.
Your hairline is so far back that even my dad wasn't fetching the milk back then.
yo hairline go so far back they got thier own fasion type
your hairlne so far back you look like frankenstein
Yo hairline go so far back that you dad found it before you did
Your hairline so far back it took a trip to America
your hairline goes so far back you can see a full world scale map in your forehead reflection
your hairline goes so far back that it stretches the length of Ohio
Yo Hairline so far back it goes back to Jesus on the cross
your hairline so far back that dora the dora the explora cant explore it
Your hairline so far back that it would be a 70 mile trip to the back
Your hairline so far back it was in a different time zone on a flight with you