im so fucking bored
Note to all.
My name is Lariah. Lariah Carla Brown, 14 years old and I 1 of triplets. I don't understand how funny rape jokes are and they don't just want to make that statement clear. I also hate orphan jokes because I WAS one. Notice when I put WAS! I also see jokes about cancer, now I know you can't be kidding. You know that cancer is a disease that many people get and could die, so you are just wrong about that!
I asked Michael Jackson when did he lose his virginity. He just replied with HEHE!
what do ants and Michael Jackson have in common. They go in kids pants
Mom:kid bring your toys and clothing to the car were going to Disney land
Bring kid to the orphanages.
What do Michael Jackson and the Captain from the Spongebob theme song have in common? They both say "are you ready kids?"
What do kidnappers and Mickey Mouse have in common: come inside it’s fun inside
AOT > ur fav anime
I hear you like funny people. In fact, my whole life's a joke!
A Spanish magician is trying the disappearing trick. He counts Uno Dos and leaves no trace.
Idk my friend did it
What do you call peg and cat from peg + cat? Egg + splat. Eggy joke for all too enjoy
What's the difference between a girl and a toy? There is no difference because you play with both anyway.
What's Michael Jackson's favourite thing to do on guitar? Fingering A minor
What do you call Nicki Minaj covered in glue? Sticky Minaj
I just watched a documentary on marijuana. I think all documentaries should be watched this way.
Your Friend: Bro I'm having a movie sleep over tonight. I've invited 17 people wanna come? You: Yeah but why so many people? Your Friend: Because the DVD says only 18+ viewers. You: Dude!!!!
Book on Micheal Jackson: Issued black:Returned white
Last night I was watching a Scotland Christmas movie... And the part when Mary tells Joseph that she is pregnant, Joseph was surprised and he exclaimed, "Jesus Christ!!!". I immediately stopped watching changed the channel
Have you seen the new movie Constipation?
You haven't?
That's because it hasn't come out yet.
i see, you guys jokers are SANS-ational