I just went on a date with a woman in a wheelchair.
I stood her up, which made her fall for me. At first it was a drag, but now we’re rolling.
I just went on a date with a woman in a wheelchair.
I stood her up, which made her fall for me. At first it was a drag, but now we’re rolling.
I drove through a school zone and found out you can drag a speed bump 😬.
The QUEEN is JACK! KING off the JOKER!
I know what you're thinking, pervert. Actually, the joke's about a jester in drag. OK, I’m joking, the Queen cheated on the King with the Jester.
The very young and pretty nun was walking home from the soup kitchen when a homeless man dragged her into the woods and had his way with her. When he was done, he asked her what she would tell the Mother Superior when she got back to the convent. She calmly said that she would tell her the truth. She said: "I will tell her that I was on my way home when the most disgusting, repulsive and abhorrent man dragged me into the woods and had his way with me..... twice; that is if you are not too tired.
“It looks like she went into Claire’s Boutique, fell on a sale rack, and said, ‘I’ll take it!’” — Bianca Del Rio, RuPaul’s Drag Race
“Go back to Party City, where you belong!” — Phi Phi O’Hara, RuPaul’s Drag Race
My dad seen RuPaul's Drag Race?
Asked when will they do up the cars!
The QUEEN is JACK! KING off the JOKER!
I Know What Your Thinking Pervert, Actually The Jokes About a Jester in Drag. OK I'm Joking, The Queen Cheated on the KIng with the Jester.
So about a year ago I was riding a horse and out of no where the horse tried to flip me off it and I fell off I would have been OK but my foot got stuck in the stirrup the horse dragged me along and didn't stop. I would have died if it weren't for the Walmart manger who came out and unplugged the horse.