Oonly dic rapeboat got is his rhyming dictionary
What's only book rapeboat ever read? Rhyming dictionary, he got no rhymes without it.
Why did the rapper bring a dictionary on stage?
To DEFINE his rap game
Why did the rapper bring a dictionary to the party? (Part 2) To leave everyone SPEECHLESS
Why did the rapper bring a dictionary to the party?
So he could drop some WORDPLAY.
Why did the rapper bring a dictionary to the concert?
So he could DEFINE his own beats!
When does Friday come before Thursday? In the dictionary.
I told a blind man to read more, so he grabbed my arm and read the whole dictionary.
you know, they didn't add the word "retard" into the dictionary for nothing
Yesterday I wanted to look up the term "procrastination".
I swear, I'll do it tomorrow.
I was listening to some Drake in class.
My teacher shouted to turn it off. She then exclaimed that "Drake is mid and his music is very Pessi!" I didn’t understand the meaning until I checked the dictionary and realised it is a synonym for overrated.
If you look up the word Wheelchair in a dictionary you will see a picture of Stephen Hawking.
An anti-bullying PSA and speeding PSA from the same creator meet one another.
The death toll went sky high.
My teacher said, "Words don't hurt!"
So I threw my dictionary at her.
My sister told me words don't hurt her, so I chucked a dictionary at her.
I was in an argument with a "friend" at school. He said, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
...so I threw a dictionary at him.
What’s a gay person’s favorite book?
The dictionary
Words that have ho in them:
Thot Whore Asshole Horrible Horena (my ex gf)
What is the difference between a rapist and a dictionary?
One of them knows the definition of no.
What do you call a dictionary on drugs?
-high definition or addictionary