Chuck Norris would have died a couple of years ago, but death hasn't built up the courage to tell him.
Like if you have balls.
Why did the turkey cross the road twice?
To prove he wasn’t a chicken!
Joe Biden's speeches are so motivational. In fact, I have been stuck at home these past few weeks, and his well articulated words were enough for me to muster up the courage to jump off of a 10 story building.
Me: *Meets girl, starts to form crush* Me after I get enough courage to talk to her: “Are you a casket lid because I want you on top of me?”
“What do you call my friend group?” “Suicide Squad.”
My best friend is transgender; she transitioned from a man into a woman. I think it's courageous of her to take a pay cut like that.
Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? Because he had no balls to do it.
I have a lot of respect for trans women.
That surgery takes balls!
My friend was in a crash, so when he got put in a wheelchair, people bullied him, so I told him to stand up for himself.
Chuck Norris used to be an orphan.
Because some families were too scared of his bravery to adopt him.
I'd like to relish the fact that you've mustered up the courage to ketchup to my level.
Q: Why do clowns always get into fights?
A: Because they have the balls to.
It's not that the man did not know how to juggle, he just didn't have the balls to do it.
Why can’t skeletons fight? They don’t have the guts
Why did the turkey cross the road twice?
To prove he wasn't chicken!
What couldn’t the boy in the wheelchair do when he saw a bully? He couldn’t stand up for himself.
The peanut gained confidence and finally came out of its shell.
When I was young, I got bullied by two kids, and whenever I got hit to the ground, I would get back up and cry. Then I had the courage to fight back, except they didn't get back up.
What do you say to a crippled man getting bullied?
"Why not you stand up for yourself?"
Why did the cheetah get sad?
'Cause it didn't have any balls to suck.