When a midget smokes weed, do they get high or medium?
I just watched a documentary on marijuana. I think all documentaries should be watched this way.
What do you call a disabled person who gets high?
Baked potato.
What kind of cigarettes does a hippie smoke?
What’s the difference between weed and pussy?
If you can smell weed from across the room, it means the weed's good.
What do you call a dude that is always high and gets higher than everyone else in the family? The alpha pothead!
Why did the researchers want all the shore birds high on marijuana?
They wanted to leave no tern unstoned.
[ when a cop meets a pothead on April 20th ]
Officer : Hi, how high are you?
Pothead : No officer, it's how are you
Officer : oh im sorry ive been high since last night
Pothead : cool, i'd like to give you sum weed, happy 420 sir
Officer : omg thx man appreciate that
If two Stoners get married, do they have Joint assets?
What do you call a restaurant that sells food that contains weed?
Do the French people smoke weed or oui’d?