Boys Jokes

boy: "why cant you get a family" me: "why cant you get a rope" boy: "wdym" friend and me: "we can show you" me: "i will tie the rope" friend: "i will push the chair"

Gwen just take Tj as ur boy friend gah just do it so he won't kill him self! prince will be fine without u!

if boys are like sports because they are esay to play, then girls are like a sandwich, they are nice at first, but there crusty after

Die you potato I baked you a pie Oh boy which flavour Pie Pie Pie Pie Dad I'm hungry Hi hungry I'm dad Why did you name this way Why Why Why

What do girl emos and boy emos have in common 1. They both want to die 2. They both cut to die faster 3. They both listen to emo songs 4. They like I wanna die song/miss wanna die