Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

11 people online

My friend told me to name a country in Africa.

So I said hungry

there's two reasons guys will hang themselves from the neck one is to escape the worthless masquerade of a life we pretend we have and the second reason is to wack off

I wrote a song about a tortilla yesterday but it’s actually more of a rap

Jerry: Whats the best thing about Switzerland Charles: I dunno Jerry: Well the flag is a big plus

Why did the homophobic boy get fired from the banana factory???? He kept throwing away the bent ones!!

Why are beas hair so sticky l? ________________________ Because They use honeycombs

Why was Stephen hawking always like this 🫠

Because he didn’t have emojis on his computer

What is the difference between underaged privileged children with bone cancer and you I like you

Two lepers meet on the street First says “how you doing?” Second says “mustn’t crumble”