Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

6 people online

Guy it was so weird yesterday I saw a guy and he kept repeating the same thing over and over I hate people with dementia I told my mom to get a new mirror but she she won’t listen to me it’s almost like I sand it like 20 times every time I say it

Oh Hey guys do u know I saw a guy with dementia oh hey guys do u know I saw a guy with dementia oh hey do u know I saw a guy with dementia

I can't believe the suicide hotline put my cousin on hold. They left him hanging

ask someone if they are a rhino, if they say yes, tell them "so youre horny" and if they reply yes again, block them from your life entirely

I walked pass by a orphanage, the orphan started to call me names and I said " A least I have a family".