Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

The fact I couldn't hear the announcements at my school because the boys in my advisory are clapping with no hands should be a joke just in itself....they were making sexual faces as well, oh and don't forget the moaning they do.

For the encore, we'd love to tell you a construction joke but ... we're still working on it.

I suggested to my girlfriend that she would look sexier with her hair back Apparently that’s insensitive to someone during chemo

Why did the rapper become a magician?

Because he wanted to drop some ILL-USIONS

Why did the rapper go to space?

Because he wanted to drop some UNIVERSAL BARS

Why did the rapper get a job at the bank?

Because he wanted to make some RAP DEPOSITS

Why did the rapper bring a map to the studio?

To find the right direction for his FLOW

Why was the math book sad?

Because it had too many PROBLEMS and not enough RAP

Why don't rappers ever get LOST?

Because they always find their way with their GPS (Great Poetic Skills)

Why did the alien go to the rap battle?

Because he had some UNEARTHLY rhymes

(Not originally my joke, I found this joke somewhere a few months back) An Emo kid in a tree falls, at the same time an apple falls from the same tree, what hits the ground first? The apple would be due to the kids rope and noose.