Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

13 people online

I was going to give my wife chocolates but my fat friends ate them. The wife-"You don't even have friends"

I just read an article that Texas is number one in the nation for both depression and infidelity in relationships. It's a sad state of affairs.

What do you call an aneorexic with a yeast infection? A quarter pounder with cheese

A guy was in one of the twin towers and he ordered pepperoni pizza but he didn't get it he got plane instead

What's the similarity between gay men and an ambulance? They both take it in the back and go woop woop.

if raping someone is sexual harrasment, then is raping a rapist inverted harrasment?

I pushed a disabled kid down a busy road, and yelled out, "MARIO KART!"

Seeing so many balding College students is so sad.... Like why the fuck is your hairline graduating before you ?!?!

I've started playing the triangle for a reggae band. It's pretty casual.

I just stand at the back and ting.