yo mamma is so ugly when she tried to join the ugly contest they said "sorry, no professionals"
Yo mama so old the carpenter uses her crotch as sandpaper.
Yo mama's so dumb, her dad said, "You're driving me crazy," and she said, "I didn't know crazy was a place!"
Yo mama so fat she needs 500,000 calories a day to keep her fueling
Yo mama so ugly she had to ask Satan to help her give birth
Yo mama so fat she brung a pencil to early intervention
Yo momma is so ugly, Slenderman runs from her.
It's also why he has no eyes.
Yo mama like a penny: two-faced, worthless, and in everybody’s pants.
yo mama so hairy you got carpet burn when u was born
Yo mama so blind that when she played Fortnite, she got her vision back, got 'em!
Yo mama's so fat, when God said "Let there be light" he asked her to move out of the way
Yo mama so stupid she thought that fruit punch was a boxer
Yo mama is so ugly, when there was a tornado, the tornado refused to suck her up.
Yo mama's so stupid, she had a staring contest with a mirror.
Yo mama is so fat, when she took a walk, she made an earthquake!
Yo mama is so ugly, she gave Michael Myers nightmares.
Yo mama is so ugly she's really the reason phones sreens' cracked
Yo mama is so ugly she turned a knife into a statue
YO mama is so ugly, the sunglasses walked away
Yo mama is so slow they had to wait six hours for the crane to finally show