What is a pedophile's favorite part about Halloween? -- Free delivery.
I told my friend that we should dress up as P. Diddy and Drake for Halloween and ask parents if their kid wants to come over for a sleepover
Me: *stabs vampire*
Wife: omg
Me: *beats vampire to death*
Wife: OMG
Me: What?
Wife: You're supposed to give them candy!
Me: Well, that's a sticky situation now, isn't it, Barbara?
Whats a pedafiles favorite holiday Holloween free delivery
What does a man with no arms or legs do on Halloween? - nothing
can u go as a horse for halloween? well if u do i cant wait to ride u
Why do a pedofile love halloween Free delivery
Your so ugly you have trick or treat on the phone!
What do Emos say when they trick-or-treat? *Boo-ho*
I usually hang up halloween decorations,
but this year imma be the decoration.