Why did the idiot post so many 9/11 Jokes?
Answer; Because his mom is a whore!
Why did the idiot post so many 9/11 Jokes?
Answer; Because his mom is a whore!
Qassem Soleimani is so popular today. I mean he just blew up overnight
your hairlines so far up they call it a skyline
(True story) Today I was bring some tortilla chips upstairs for some chips and dip, and I dropped them, so my mom goes “oh, now they’re broken.” And I took an opportunity to make a pun, so I said, “No, they’re just chipped.”
you’re so fat
that ur family moved to the other side of the U.S.A., but they still see u
you’re so fat
that when u sit on the toilet
it says
“A B C D E F G, get ur butt off of me”
you so fat
when you stepped on the scale
Buzz Lightyear came out and said
“to INFINITY and beyond”
yo mama so ugly
they won’t give her a vaccine so she can keep wearing her mask
yo mama so ugly
my screen cracked when she took her photo
yo mama so fat
she fell off BOTH side of the bed
yo mama so old
her memory is black and white
yo mama so stupid
she thought DUNKIN DONUTS was a basketball team
Your mum is so fat she needs 3 different watches for 3 different time zones
Why do Inbred White Trash Racists talk so much Shit?
Answer; Because deep down inside, they KNOW that they are nothing but PATHETIC LOSERS!