Why were the Twin Towers traumatized about eating?
After someone said, "HERE COMES THE AIR PLANE(s)," it just wasn't the same..........
Why were the Twin Towers traumatized about eating?
After someone said, "HERE COMES THE AIR PLANE(s)," it just wasn't the same..........
The man fired from the World Trade Center on September 10.
That is just plain wrong.
Why did the twin towers go to uber eats? Because they wanted something plain.
What's the Twin Towers' favorite Minecraft biome?
A plains biome.
What’s the twin towers favorite kind of pizza A:Plain
What did the twin towers say to the plain ?
"Hi, plane," said the tower.
Guys, we should not make fun of 9/11. Like, that stuff is just plain out crazy. Like, you all should not let that fly.
What’s the issue with 9/11 jokes They never land Just like the plains
Nining leven BITCH. Idk how to spell but its that shit where the plains flew into them towers
Yall these 9/11 jokes ain't funny I ordered a plaine pizza in the twin towers
People who make these jokes are plain crazy more crazy than Islamic extremist