Why don't pirates take a bath before walking the plank?
Cause they just wash up onshore.
What did the pirate say when he saw a ghost (he said oh my god it s me dead parrot
Why did Stephen Hawking die? He piratized GTA VI Hindi No Virus 2022
Why don’t pirates take a shower before they walk the plank?
They just wash up on shore.
Why do rappers make terrible pirates?
Because they’re always DROPPING HOOKS
Why do pirates pirates? Because they Arrrrrrrrrgggghhh! hahahahahahahahaha!
Why don't pirates take a shower before walking the plank?
They just wash up on shore.
What did the pirate say when he turned 80 :answer aye matey
How do pirates like their movies?
You already know the answer, don't you?
Well... ARRRR rated! Huh huh huh...
Why the boy couldn't go see the pirate movie? Because it was rated ARRRR.
Why don't pirates take a shower before they walk the plank? They just wash up on shore
What's a pirate's favorite letter? You'd think it's the "R," but it's really the "C."
Why did the pirate go to the gym?
To improve his BOOTY STRENGTH