I didn't know that COVID-19 was a thing until I saw your eyebrows and your hairline social distancing.
Crimes in 2018- assault, murder. Crimes in 2020- coughing in public.
The new pandemic is feminism and all kinds of democratic thinking. COVID is a joke compared to these nasty ass diseases.
Q: What is found deep inside of us, and the more we express our love for each other the more it spreads throughout the world?
A: Covid.
More cops died from covid than anything else last year hahahaha
They should have shot covid instead of Tyrone on the microphone lmfao
orphans must hate 2020 cause you need a home to home school
Friend: Your t-shirt is cringe. Me: you should go get the Covid test because one of their symptoms is no taste
Covid be like I'm going to take your breath away
When Covid spreads through food but you realized you live in Africa.
covid said to stay 6 feet...i didn't think Kobe meant it literally
My brother caught Covid last month.
First I knew about it was when he speed-dialled me at 3am and gasped, "I can't breathe, I can't breathe!"
I just told him straight: "Bro... you really need to work on your George Floyd jokes."
Peppa pig like pandemics
The CCP should be pleased, Covid is the longest thing to have ever been made in China.
How do skeletons get COVID? From the coffin!
Why did the heterosexual man put a mask on his cock to protect himself from COVID? Silly boy.
At the restaurant, the waitress starts flirting with me. "She must have COVID," my wife said. "Why?" I asked. "'Cause she clearly has no taste." She responded.
Everybody was kung flu dying It travelled as fast as lightning 2020 was expert timing In fact it was a little bit frightening
I hate wearing a mask in public
I am still trying to figure out why paying the COVID doctors a compliment is so offensive. They even kicked me out, and all I said was to stay positive...