Why can't the USA and England play chess?
USA has no towers and England has no queen.
Why can't the USA and England play chess?
USA has no towers and England has no queen.
What's the difference between Freddie Mercury and Princess Diana?
Freddie lived long enough to be a Queen.
What does a queen want on her cookie?
Royal Icing.
Why can’t orphans play baseball? They ain’t got no home to run to.
Why can’t England people play chess? They ain’t got no queen.
What do you call a guy in a wheelchair that lives with the royal family?
Rolls Royce.
Queen Elizabeth came back before your dad did.
Why can't British people play chess?
Because they lost their queen.
TommyInnit said, "Long live the Queen." Look at where she's at now.
Long live the quee—Oh wait...
Due to her death, you can no longer get a letter from the Queen when you turn 100.
Instead, you now receive a text from Prince Andrew when you turn 14.
U.S.A: No Queen? England: No towers?