
Hmm Jokes

I call this my great talk with Siri

Me : hey Siri give me and Ur Mom joke

Siri: My mother ? Huh?

Me: Did I stutter?

Siri: Interesting question

Me : it wasn’t a question

Siri: I’m not sure I understand?

Me: you should understand

Siri: hmm... Is there something else I can help with?

Me: no you b***

Family all eating at the table Brother: hmm I think I feel gold Sister: stop the cap Brother look under the table and says “ nope just a gold digger” Dad laughed Step mom storms out of the room

Mr. Smith: Neona, tell us what you have for the biggest competition that we can do to keep our competitors out of the winning streak.

Neona: Will thought we used more sales and more advertising.

Mr. Smith: It's already a good idea. Now what about the business plan? We need it as recommendations to keep the business going. Tell me, what do you have in mine?

Neona: It is better to always have a plan. I was thinking that we can get higher prices and always get great deals, the people will go nuts for a great deal!

Mr. Smith: Perfect. Now let's take a 5 minute break.

Mr. Smith: Ok, 5 minutes is up!

Now Neona, I know you are an intern, but what are the best things we can do for the company?

Neona: Hmm...lets see...will we can start with all the things people love! If this is going to work then we have have to......

apparently imma category for jokes now. hmm... ok! #HOMIEZ4Life

P.S. Say "crack my finger", now say it backwords:)