Every depressed person just has to say "I WANT TO JUMP OFF THAT TALL BUILDING RIGHT THERE" and then points to the building and runs up to it like an immature child and then they get disappointed when they aren't allowed into the building
How do u lift a depressed person up?
No need, they'll find a way to get on the tree somehow
regular depressed person: I'm depressed, so I'll go see a therapist
Me: I'm depressed so I won't do anything about it, work on many projects at the same time destroying my sanity slowly while relying on caffeine and pills as my only way to take down my headaches and making memes about it online to help myself cope with the pain
Another joke ik they suck.
What is a depressed persons favorite joke? Their life.
What does a depressed person and a chicken have in common? They both try to fly.
What's the one thing that makes a depressed person jump? A bridge.
What do you tell a depressed person?
Just hang in there!
What do you say to a depressed person on the ceiling?
Hang in there!
How do you get a depressed person to jump?
Put them on a bridge.
What's a depressed person's favorite drink?
Coff- na, jk, bleach.
What does a depressed person say when they're happy? "..."
The last words of a depressive person are: "Yay, Freedom."
what's a depressed person's favorite game?
What do you call a depressed person holding a knife?
Freedom yay! (so funny ikr)
The last words from a depressive person are: "I finally see a train!"
How does the next train stop for a depressive person? Death.
What do you call a depressed person's life?
At this point, nonexistent.
wats a depressed persons favourite game, hangman
What's the depressed person's favorite song?
Van Halen - Jump
Why did the depressed person rob a bank? Because you're not killing yourself if a cop does it for you!