What do you call a white woman working at an all black company
What do you call a white woman working at an all black company
What do u call a person who keeps making jokes about rappers? An annoying prick whos black dad left him as a kid
What do you call an emo kid with light-up shoes? A human chandelier.
What do you call a kid laying down in the classroom Kill confermed
What do you call 3 kids laying down in the classroom Kill streak
What do you call space Muslim A tuskin raider
What do you call an Irish person having a seizure? A Shamrock Shake.
How do you start a school shooting at a black school? Call the cops
How did the black woman name her 4 babies?
Tyrone, Tyrone, Tyrone, and Tyrone.
How did she differentiate them?
She called them by their last names.
What do you call group of black men hanging from a tree?
Alabama windchimes
I heard Pixar is releasing a new movie It’s called finding chemo
what do you call an asian who gets a B its not a basian
what do you call a surprised Asian
Ho Lee Fuc
What did the cops say when someone called him racist?
How can I be racist my wife’s eye is black