Blind kids

Blind Kids Jokes

How do you keep a blind kid busy? Give him sandpaper and tell him it's a find-a-word. 😂🤣

What does a bad friend give a blind kid for his birthday?

Give him a gun and tell him it's a hairdryer.

God sent a kid to the principal's office for giving a blind kid sunglasses and said, "Don't let the sun damage your eyes!"

How do you keep a blind kid entertained?

You take him to a stadium crowd, then give him a bat and tell him to hit the piñata.

*in the hospital*

Paralyzed kid: I'm out!

*walks out the room*

Blind kid: You can walk?!

Mute kid: You can see?!

Deaf kid: You can talk?!

Doctor: Wut the f**k?