Why don't bald eagles brush their teeth? Because they don't have teeth! xD
How are a bald eagle and a bald man similar? Because they both have eyes.
What type of bird does not have feathers on itself?
A bald eagle.
What is a bald eagle's favorite dog breed?
A beagle!
What is a bald eagle's favorite chip?
Bald Eagle
Why don't Bald Eagles like fast food? It always runs away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
What time eeeeeee?
I love having fun
Why are bald eagles bald? Because you're bald!
They didn't have a category for Bald, so I chose the Bald Eagle.
Did you know that bald people have an endless forehead?
U geiy haha lol.
why is the bald eagle bald?
because it has no hair
it has feathers. LOL
What bird doesn’t need a comb?
Bald eagles.
What animal should wear a wig?
A bald eagle!
Why would be hunting a bald eagle in America be a bad idea? Because it's ill-eagle