Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

2 men ran into a bar, you would have thought after the first one hit it the second one would have seen it

What do you call a united cow? a united steaks ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

How do you rape a feminist? Tell her you are a woman and she will let you do whatever. You won't even need to force it.

why is the leaning tower of pizza leaning....... cuz it has faster reflexes then the twin towers

Once I Threw The Ball At A Wheelchair Kid Now We Are Playing Rocket League :D

How can all rape be prevented? Just teach your daughters to never say no to a man. There - fixed!

Why can't orphans play basebal

The can't make a homerun๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Tiktoker: I will kill anyone who pours milk before cereal Depressed kid tiktok reply: *pours milk before cereal, pours cereal then takes a bite* I'll wait

Yesterday, I was babysitting this woman's child. Everything was going perfectly. I got hungry and called the mother. I asked if she wanted the baby back ribs I was cooking but she said she didn't want any. When she arrived she started screaming and ran to her child. I don't see why she was so upset, she said she didn't want any.

Yo mama's hairline got so many peaks and valleys, and you thought you were looking at the grand canyon.

What's brown and white with red all over

Terists when the went into the twins towers