Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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Yo mama is so ugly, when she went for plastic surgery they accidentally gave her face a Brazilian Butt Lift...

Why did the rapper bring a map to the studio?

Because they were lost in the BEATS

Why did the rapper go to the dentist?

Because they're all about those DENTAL GRILLS

If I agreed with Leo then that wouldn’t solve anything, it would just make BOTH of us dumb

Leo is like Monday mornings... everyone dreads her, but we're forced to deal with her ANYWAY

Leo must be an INTERIOR DECORATOR... because when she enters a room, it becomes UGLY

BlessedBrian’s family reunions must be like a casting call for the ADDAMS FAMILY

I’ve seen more life in a trampled garden gnome then in BLESSEDBRIAN’S jokes

I’d tell BlessedBrian to aim for the stars, but it seems like his GRAVITATIONAL PULL is holding him back