I don't like 9/11 jokes because they always talk about how bad of a plane driver my dad is.
I don't usually like to tell 9/11 jokes for two reasons: they're morally wrong, and they tend to crash and burn.
I was going to make a 9/11 joke, but im afraid it will crash and burn.
I'd make 9/11 jokes, but they'd just crash and burn.
what did the south tower say to the north tower it said: nothing
9/11 joke
There was a math teacher on a plane that crashed. What was the last thing that went through their head?
A pentagon!
(9/11 joke)
C'mon guys, 9/11 jokes are just plane wrong.
I don't like it when people make 9/11 jokes. My dad was in it.
He was the best damn pilot in Saudi Arabia.
You want to hear a 9/11 joke?
I bet they did to!
Stop making 9/11 jokes, my father died in a plane crash.
Best pilot in Saudi Arabia.
I don't like 9/11 jokes; they have a tendency to crash and burn.
9/11 jokes aren’t funny.
They always crash and burn.
Yeah, I keep telling everyone 9/11 jokes but they all just crash and burn.