Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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Watching paint dry sounds like a THRILL compared to spending time with SLADE

Leo must be a PARKING TICKET... not because of the “fine” thing, nah, it’s because she’s OVERSTAYED her WELCOME

There will be better punchlines at BlessedBrian’s FUNERAL than in his JOKES

BlessedBrian’s sense of humor is like a GPS without signal... LOST and going NOWHERE

I‘ve seen more charisma in a wet mop than in BLESSEDBRIAN’S personality

BlessedBrian must be a SMOKE DETECTOR... because he never fails to kill the vibe

Nasruddin Hodja was tilling his patch of land when a hunter came riding up.

“Hey, you!" said the man. “Did you see a boar run past?"

“Yes," replied Hodja.

“Which way did it go?" demanded the man.

Hodja pointed in the direction in which the boar had gone.

The man rode away without a word of thanks but he was back within minutes.

“No sign of it!" he said. “Are you sure it went that way?"

“I am certain," replied Hodja. “It went that way. Two years ago."

What's the difference between me and cancer? Well, my dad couldn't beat cancer.

What's the difference between a Palestinian and SpongeBob's Sandy Cheeks? - one is living in a bubble, the other one in rubble.

Why are Palestinian boys so eager to grow a beard? - so they can use their mum's ID to get in the club.

What's the difference between Palestine and yo mama? Yo mama can be found on Google maps.

What's the difference between yo mama and German men? - the balls... German men don't have them.