Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

sister. your ugly other sister. im not ypur reflection

ps. sorryif it is not funny

I heard that the numbers on the front of your credit card represent the number of minutes until you meet the 💕 love of your life!💕 and the 3 numbers on the back represent the month and day you make it official!! comment those numbers to lock it in!!😄

whats the difference from morbid humor & dark humor

dark humor fits 10 people in 1 container

morbid humor fits 1 person on ten containers

how many lesbians does it take to change a light bulb... none they cant change anything I am just kidding you know gay jokes aren't funny cum on guys.

Why were the twin towers so mad they ordered pepperoni but they got plain

My little sister that is 10 is so ugly her hairline cant even be found by dora the explora