Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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what's better? nailing jesus or getting nailed? depends on who's sucking.

jesus and satan are just basically homer and flanders. one tries to help the other, only for satan to just say "shut up".

Puns: I have a friend whose birthday is on September 11th. They're going to have an explosive party, that will definitely blow you away. It's gonna be the bomb, and a blast too!

This joke is unavailable due to the National Period of Mourning. Please return to this page on the 19th of September.

R.I.P Queen Elizabeth II. 1926-2022

Q:What's the difference between a knife and razor blade? A:Depends on which wound bleeds faster.

a priest sees a man about to commit suicide the man says "I have nothing to live for here I will die go to heaven and get 72 virgins" then the priest says "no need for this I will take you to the local elementary school"

Whats the difference between an orphan and a second hand book?

The second hand book was loved once..

In British chess I guess they play without a queen...

But in American chess they play without 2 towers

“what happened to ur arm?” “oh uh.. i became a gacha emo”

What are is the best feeling for an Orphan when he playes Grand Theft Auto?

When he is wanted