Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

2 people online

once there was this kid that wanted to shower with his dad so his dad said yes then he ask what is that and his dad said it a chow chow train the next day he wanted to shower with his mom so she said yes he ask again what is that and she said it was a tunnel with light the same day he wanted to sleep with them and they said yes in the middle of the night he woke up and told his mom to turn on the light because the chow chow train is going in

What did the people in 9/11 say when they got the wrong pizza? Man they got it wrong, I wanted this shity plane

You've probably heard this one before but screw it

What's the difference between jesus christ and the kid I just killed Jesus christ probably died a virign

I hate Likebeggers.They are just writing some stupid ,,Like if" shit just to get attention.I mean thats so lazy.So unorginal and stupid.

Anyways can this get 100 Likes please?

bobby had 54 dicks (54) he took 33 pills a month (5433) once he ran out of pills, he was left with 45 dicks (543345) (flip the calculator once you got the full number. 543345! he's got a lot!

What does McDonald's and Priests have in common?

They put their meat inside 10 year olds

Did you know an orphan is deeply religious. Because they can finally call someone father.

Has anybody else noticed that out of nowhere there are always tons of people online? Its kinda trippy if I'm being honest.