
Youtube Jokes

Today at the bank, an old lady asked me to help check her balance. So I pushed her over.

Credit To:

Have a sink in your house? Eat it. Have a mouse in your house? Kill it. Have a child in your house? M I C R O W A V E I T .


just kidding now watch this video

why did sally drop her ice cream come? because she got hit bye a bus. subscribe to my youtube channel to find more jokes like this Irs Calvin and the pic of the kid ,,,thats me

A kid tell me he was gonna f$&k my mom on Fortnite! So I toldhim I was gonna double pump his mom untill she was wet like moisty meyers

like if your not A GAY

dislike if your furry

repost if you HATE blacks

omment for VBUCKS

sub to me on youtube its my friend and he has aids send himjoeide53rygq2ej/le nb rfcshsu 3nurtv N3Q5UERIUGWTC7w2VWGYEHIWAWASERYAANFYINSIDEFREHJOBUGFUYWUSGRFYDIDYFRG911


If you like this kind of stuff then Sub to my YouTube Chanel

Why can’t Germans call a taxi *does taxi calling motion* it’s not a Rick roll

today i explain what things are fake. serial killers, clowns, billy, fairies, your life,God,Jesus,your mom, and all your crappy fan-fictions about being saved from your even crappier life.

I'm also gonna explain real stuff, youtube,your dad,scientists,teachers,God,Jesus, and Billy.

stuff on both is real and fake depending on who you are. Your life IS fake.Alot of idiots will read this.