Yo mama's so fat that Jane Goodall couldn't tell if she was a chimpanzee or a human being.
Yo mamas so fat brexshit is deporting British citizens
Yo mama so fat Trump built a wall around her and not the border.
Yo mamma so fat when she walked across the floor she fell through it
Yo mama so ugly when Santa seen her he said ho ho hole shit
Yo mama so fat that when she jump the earth was Shaking
What's an orphan least favourite joke?...
Yo mama
Yo mama so fat that’s why people don’t want to marry her except for fat guys
Yo mama so fat that the avengers team had to snap five times and say oh my God
Yo mama so fat she called dr suse and he couldn’t even rhyme back
Yo mama sooooooo fucking fat, when she takes a step, she needs a 5-min break.
Yo mama so stupid, she tried to take Snoop Dogg for a walk.
Yo mama so stupid, she tried to put Vin Diesel in her gas tank.
Yo mama so stupid, she tried to mop the floor with Taylor Swift.
Yo mama so stupid, she tried to ring Kristen Bell.
Yo mama so stupid, she tried to skim Dwayne Johnson across a lake.
Yo mama so ugly, when she go to church they say it's a demon!
Yo momma's so gay, you sucked her balls.
yo mama fat when she play a game everybody lags
Yo mama so fat that when she saw Thanos and he tried to snap her out of existence, it didn't work, and he said, "Man, I quit!"
Yo mama so ugly when she played Five Nights at Freddy's, they thought that she was already in an animatronic costume.
Yo mama so stupid she made Patrick run away because he thought it was contagious 🤣
Yo mama so stupid she thought Kobe Bryant survived the plane crash
Yo Mama is so FAT, it wasn't an iceberg that sank it, she was called, "THE MAMABERG!"