What do you call a feminist with a rape whistle? Delusional and optimistic.
What do you call a cat with two legss instead of four Dead and without use that's what I feel like
What do you call a black comedian?
Dark Humor.
What do you call an alligator that can't get hard? A reptile dysfunction.
What do you call a gay kid on fire
What do you call a white guy with a 10 inch cock?
Asleep. Because that motherfucker's dreaming.
What do you call a ruptured Chinese man?
One Hung Lo.
What do you call a bacon from Chernobyl?
what do you call a black coconut? a CoonConut
What do you call a dick that dosent fit in an asshole
A miss fit
What do you call a Chinese man with a camera?
Phill Ming.
What do you call a Gary Dinosaur?
A mega-sore-ass.
What do you call a aisan man flying a plane
A pilot you racist fuck
What do you call a wheelchair person with a gun? Special ops.
What do you call a Chinese man in the heat?
Boi Ling.
What do you call a train fall of gum. A chew chew train
Q: What do you call a cat living with a vet? A: A dead shrivelled up cat on her death bed that is attached to their owner.
Isn't It Purrfect
What do you call a woman who aborted her quadruplets? A graveyard
What do you call a disabled person who gets high?
Baked potato.
What do you call a turkey wean it is scared
A chicken