What is Michael Jackson's favorite instrument? A small skin flute.
It's sad someone has ligma.
"Man, your jokes about homicide are totally killer!"
Can I get a HOYA?
Q: What do you call 9/11? A: Enemy persion airstrike.
My friend wants to do martial arts, but he's disabled, so I guess it’s partial arts.
Clap em sis!
"Dees nutz, got 'em!"
What do you call a rooster lollipop?
A cock sucker!
What do you call a disabled kid on fire?
Hot wheels.
Elmo in 2022 is called "Tickle My Balls Elmo."
What do you call a person on fire in a wheelchair?
Hot wheels!
Have you ever seen the Pokemon called Ryh... Rhydon these nuts?
When you cream pie a tardy hottie, it’s called a loaded potato. 🥴🦴💨🥔
What is a leaf mixed with mud called? Ligma.
Ligma balls!
What does lmao mean? Laughing miles.
What is a testicle's favorite book?
Put Tony's Nuts in Your Mouth!
Ever heard of iLadies? I laid deez nutz on yo' face!
Me: How do cowboys say hello?
Friend: Howdy.
Me: How do deez nuts fit in your mouth?
Why are priests called father? Because it's too sus to call them daddy!