Donald Trump is gonna be the best president we have ever had.
What did President Ford say when he met Betty?
"I am Gerald Ford and you’re hot."
What is a government mandate?
When Obama and Biden go out to dinner together.
A conman, a mentally handicapped person, and a Russian spy walk into a bar.
And the bartender asks, "What will it be, Mr. President?"
Government Briefing:
Joe Biden had a meeting with the cabinet today...
...He also spoke to the bookcase and argued with the desk.
Do you think John F. Kennedy went for a ride in Dallas just to clear his head just because his wife Said he was close minded
Did you ever think that John F. Kennedy went for a ride in Dallas just to clear his head?
Who were the greenest Presidents in US history? The Bushes.
If Joe Biden was on stage and he heard the gunshots, he would’ve probably thought it was the ice cream truck
Joe Biden would’ve died in the Secret Service tackle. They would have been like, "Get down Mr. Presi-"
Donald Trump took the bullet better than Joe Biden took the stairs.
Do you think when the Secret Service heard the gunshot they were like, "Donald Duck"?
What was the comment that Vice President Harris said in the United States Senate when a blue dog democrat in the United States Senate called Vice President Harris a bitch?
Kibbles 'N Bits!! Kibbles 'N Bits!! I is going to get me some Kibbles ' N Bits!!
It's no surprise Donald Trump moved to Florida. That's where the oranges are.
President Joseph Biden said during the first presidential debate of the 2024 presidential election that he does not debate as well as he used to. Mr. Biden also can't think as well as he used to either, but then again when Mr. Biden was a United States senator in the state of Delaware he never could think because thinking was never one of his strengths and that is the reason why Mr. Biden became President Obama's vice president in the first place.
Oh well, that's politics.
If Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are in a boat and it capsizes. Who survives? America.
A woman's age is harder to get than the President's phone number
You know how Joe Biden is happy?
When he is rubbing a little girls' shoulders and eating ice cream.
How did Donald Trump win Alabama twice?
By declaring that he has a crush on his daughter!
What's the difference between Donald Trump and Derek Vinyard?
A shaved head, a chest tattoo, and a moustache.