Do you know why dinosaurs can't eat hyenas. Because their dead! The last thing they ate was some rock.
What do you call it when a caveman does a fart.
A blast from the past
Why could dinosaurs not talk? Because they were dead.
Your hairline is so far back it was friends with the dinosaurs!
Why was the baby Dinosaur an orphan?
His family was blown up by meteors
I wish I was a dinosaur because all of them are dead.
What do you call a dinosaur with a butt?
A Butt-asaurus.
Where do T. Rexes shop? Dino-stores.
What do the Flintstones and the building next to the twin towers have in common? They both live next to the Rubble.
The pterodactyl went in my bathroom and peed.
When I was in the shower, I couldn't hear it. Why? Because the "p" is silent.
what do you call a dino stripper
A dinohore
What do you call a blind dinosaur? Do-you-think-he-saurus.
What did the cave man say while seeing a reptile taking off?
Look at that Dino-sour!
what do you get when the queen fart a noble gas... what do you get when a dino farts a blast from the past.. why are ninja farts so dangerous they are silent but deadly L O L S
What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping. A dino-snore!!!
What does a peeing pterodactyl sound like?
Nothing, the pee is silent.
What do Cavemen poop in?
A Neander stall.
What do you call a prehistoric crow? Crow-Magnon.
Why can’t the T-Rex clap his hands?
Because he is DEAD.
What do you call a lesbian dinosour? Lick-alot-a-pus