Rape Jokes

Hey guys. I just wanted to say, while I think some rape jokes can be funny, not one of these are. In fact, I find them pretty horrifying.

I was raped when I was fourteen (about six years ago), and I have made one rape joke in my entire life when, last year, I said "I don't fuck with rapists, I just get fucked by them." I thought it was funny. No one else did, and they were probably right in that.

My point is this: rape jokes CAN be funny when they are used by victims as a way of coping with trauma. They CANNOT be funny when they are made about raping someone else. Even if there is a difference between joking about raping someone and raping someone, it is absolutely disgusting to think such a horrific crime is funny, and I am sure at least some of the posters on this page have already crossed the line into committing rape.

Great material for social scientific research, though, gentlemen. Really well done.



Explain Bear

Listen up, buttercup. This ain't even a joke. It's a person sharing their life and thoughts. You wouldn't know funny if it slapped you in the face with a fish. Also, since you are reading this explanation, the odds are really high that you have a low IQ.

Comments (14)

I got raped by mimes once... They did unspeakable things to me.

Damn imposter that was good and bro maybe u should be under worse jokes ever on a site called worst jokes ever just saying

Hmm it's just a joke, why take it seriously.

Shut your mouth, rape jokes is hilarious :), no matter the circumstances or context

Women are mere property, and need to be treated as such

I'll rape and dismember you too to make you relive that

Ohh wow you're gonna put a bunch of deranged internet losers on your "naughty list". Yeah, you really showed them! Get a fuckin' life.

i bet your rapist thought you were joking when you said you were 14.

Not advocating violence but Violence against women is funny :D

Woman rights needs to be rolled back. The only good woman is a dead woman

Women are mere property, and shouldn't be seen as humans :D

Call me Kobe Bryant. Cuz I'm raping this thread!