Uranus is larger than Neptune, but Neptune is more massive/heavier. (Fact not joke, also Neptune, don't kill me!)
Why didn't Neptune marry Saturn?
Because he knew he wasn't hot!
What music do Astronauts listen to?
What do planets use to download music?
Why does saturn have a ring?
Because god liked it so he put a ring on it.
I guess Neptune is next to Your Anus XDDDD.
Why has nobody been on Neptune? Because the wind is so big. And why the wind's so big? Because Neptune's yelling, "GETT OFFF MMY PPRROOPERRTY!!"
Earlier that day...
Mars: Okay Venus, you need to stop with the puns.
Mission on space.
Mars: Moon? You okay?
Mars: Moon come on! Stop spacing out!
*Venus and Moon giving her the smirk*
Me:name all the planets other person: earth Mars Jupiter Neptune mercury Uranus me: not my anus